Vertigo, Dizziness, and Imbalance
As of July 2018, our services expanded to include yet another faculty of the audiology world – assessments of the vestibular system, and rehabilitation for vestibular disorders. A large percentage of patients who experience vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance do so due to problems with the inner ear balance system, and a comprehensive assessment of these individuals is necessary to diagnose the cause of their symptoms.
How we can help you with vestibular disorders
Videonystagmography (VNG): testing using an infrared eye camera to detect the presence of nystagmus and other oculomotor deficiencies, in order to objectively test your vestibular system and neural pathways.
The diagnosis of positional vertigo, and conducting of repositioning exercises that relive the cause of vertigo/dizziness.
We conduct Video Head Impulse Testing to objectively assess the function of your vestibular system by testing each of the 6 semicircular canals separately. This is a relatively new objective measurement, highly sensitive to picking up acute and uncompensated peripheral vestibular disorders.
We use Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMPs) to test the function of the utricle and saccule, allowing us to analyse the function of every part of the vestibular system separately.
Rehabilitation exercises for the relief of symptoms and the encouragement of compensation for deficiencies caused by vestibular disorders.
Referral to other professionals where required such as Neurologists, ENTs, and Cardiologists.